- General conditions of rent
West campsite Every customer reknows he acquainted with the present general conditions before any reservation of a stay, for himself and every person participating in the stay. According to the current law, the present conditions are put at the disposal of every customer with IT title before the conclusion of any sale contract of stays. They can be obtained on simple written request for the campsite. The prices are indicated in euros included VAT. The attention of the customer is attracted to the fact that the tourist tax is not understood and is to be settled the day of the arrival. The price list includes the access to the swimming pool and the other services proposed by the campsite.
Conditions of reservation
- West Camping proposes stays with vocation famillial, in the traditional sense, the accommodations are conceived specially for that purpose. The campsite reserves the right to refuse any reservation which would be against this principle, or which would try to divert him. The reservation of a location or a rent is made in a private capacity. You can on no account to rent or give up your reservation without the preliminary consent of the campsite.
- we only accept 10% of foreign customers (all countries combined) in order to keep our small campsite with a mainly French clientele. Ask if it is possible to book in order to see your reservation refused.
· The minors must be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians or by adults managerial employees.
Cool of reservation
- The West campsite charges processing fee and reservations at the level of 20 €, whatever is the duration of the stay in high season. These expenses are offered in the off season .
The deposit is 30 % of the total amount of the stay (except for the reservations unless a month before your arrival you have to settle the totality of the stay).
Terms of payment Bank card (credit card, visa, Eurocard-MasterCard), bank checks in compensable euros in France, holiday vouchers, bank transfer, species. We do not accept the paid monthly payments.
The balance of the stay is to be settled in the following conditions:
· Location: the day before your departure.
· Renting accommodation: the total amount of the stay must be paid one month before the 1st day by the stay.
Reservation and online payment
Our web site is reassured for your credit card payments. Any online reservation will have to be the object of the payment of a deposit. If this condition isn’t filled, the reservation will be cancelled, the customer will be informed about it by e-mail.
Upon receipt of your reservation and upon receipt of your deposit we shall send you your confirmation by e-mail or by mail.
Cancellation and modification
If the cancellation intervenes:
· More than 30 days before a date of the beginning of stay: the paid deposit will be kept by the campsite.
· Less than 30 days before a date of the beginning of stay: you will remain indebted of the total amount of the stay if the campsite is unable to relet the reserved accommodation.
In every case the Campsite must be informed about the cancellation by letter recommended with acknowledgement of receipt the date of the being valid post office.
· In the absence of message from you indicating an adjournment of your date of arrival, the accommodation (mobile home or location) can be again available on the sale 24 hours after the date of arrival mentioned on the contract, and you will lose accordingly the profit of your reservation.
Any interrupted stay, or abbreviated (arrived late, early departure) of your fact can give rise to no refund.
· In case of cancellation of the campsite, safe in case of force majeure, the stay will be totally paid off. This cancellation cannot however give rise to the payment of damages.
Insurance cancellation
By signing an insurance (optional) cancellation of 3,5 % of the amount of the stay by rent or location, this contract allows you to obtain the refund of the sums paid in case of cancellation of your stay or departure anticipated under certain conditions (disease, accident, …). Attention you can’t sign this insurance at the latest 48 hours before your departure.
It’s up to the camper to make sure: the campsite declines any responsibilities in case of flight, fire, bad weather, etc. and in case of incident being of the civil liability of the camper.
An insurance in civil liability holiday resort is compulsory to stay within the campsite.
During their stay, the customers benefit from the Guarantee of Civil liability of the developer for any physical and material injury for which we would have been recognized responsible towards them. On the other hand, the customers also have to present on arrival their valid third-party insurance.
Reception is closed from 12h00 -15h00 in low season and 12:30 to 14h30 in high season.
The arrivals are made from in the off season of 15h00 at 19h00 and 14h30 to 19h30 in high season.
They will have to be freed for 12 hours (2.00 pm in the off season). For any delayed departure, he can be charged to you an additional day at the price of the current night.
They ‘ll have to be freed of papers and /or cigarette ends of cigarette.
The basic package includes the location for the tent, the caravan and the car or the camper for 1 or 2 people, the access to toilets and to infrastructures of welcome. The accommodation facilities of every location are limited to 6 people.
The rents:
The arrivals are made of 16 hours at 7:30 pm (in the off season of 3 hours pm at 7:00 pm) and the departures before 10 am.
We don’t accept arrival before 2:30 pm because of the check and the preparation of mobile homes of 10 hours at 2:30 pm.
In high season, the reservations are made for stays weekly from Saturday, 4 hour pm till Saturday according to 10:00 am.
In the off season, the reservations are authorized from 2/3 overnight stays according to the chosen period or weekly arrived from 15 hours and departure before 10 am.
The renting accommodations are equipped in dishes, kitchenware, microwave, mattress covers, braids, pillows. The TV is included.
Sheets are not supplied (optional disposable sheets).
The basic package is from 1 to 6 places according to the type of renting. An additional person beyond the capacity of the mobil home pulls a supplement.
The Campsite will refuse systematically the access to the groups or the families appearing with a number of participants upper to the capacity of the rented accommodation.
For the renting accommodations, a 300€ pledge will be asked you in the beginning of stay. She will be restored to you at the end of stay, deduction made of the cost of the missing, damaged or broken material. A package arranges of 100 € will be also asked you if the mobil home is not restored in the same state of cleanliness which has your arrival.
For any departure outside the opening hours of the reception, the pledge will be destroyed after check of the state of cleanliness of the rent and the inventory by the staff of the campsite. In this case, the car will have to be parked outside of the campsite.
In case of delay of arrival it is imperative to warn the campsite to After 11:00 pm no arrival will be possible because of the closure of the barrier.
Early departure :
In this case, no refund will be made.
Swimming pool :
Opening of 10 hours at 7:00 pm to see in the middle of June at the end of August more according to weather report.
The access to the swimming pool is authorized only to the customers of the campsite.
The access to the surrounding wall of the swimming pool is forbidden:
· In animals;
· To every people outside the campsite;
· to the people reached or suspected of contagious diseases (Circular of March 13th, 1975 of the Ministry of Health); of affections or known cutaneous hurts
· to the people in state of obvious dirt;
· to the people not having respected the passage under the shower and in the pédiluve.
· to the children under age 14 not accompanied by a major person capable of watching them;
· He is no smoking within the swimming pool;
· It ‘s forbidden to consume drinks and food within the swimming pool;
· It ‘s formally forbidden to circulate with shoes within the swimming pool. Shoes will have to be put down in the entrance.
Bathing trunks, just like bermuda shorts or boardshorts are forbidden in the swimming pool. The Swimming trunks or the boxer or shorty are authorized.
- The dogs of category 1 and 2 are formally forbidden.
- Dogs and cats are admitted in the campsite on the following conditions:
1) A single animal and small or mid-sized will be accepted in mobils homes, two on locations. Presentation of their health record on which is indicated the identification of the animal by tattoo or other approved way.(Arrested of June 30th, 1992) and the Antirabies vaccination of current validity (Arrested of January 22nd, 1985).
2) Animals must be never left free. They mustn’t be left alone in the campsite. It is formally forbidden to leave its only animal in a mobil home, even a short moment.
3) Master makes a commitment to keep its animal on a lead, to collect its excrement, to forbid him the access to zones with the mention ” forbids dogs ” as well as to make his needs on locations campsite.
The visitors
The visitor is a person who visits you punctually but who does not sleep in the campsite at night. You can receive 4 visitors maximum.
Having been authorized by the administrator or his representative, the visitors can be admitted within the campsite under the responsibility of the campers who receive them and for a fee. You have to (from the arrival of your visitors and in their company appear at the reception to proceed to the formalities of entrance. If these visitors are admitted penetrating into the campsite, the camper who receives them has to settle a fee, as far as the visitors have access to the services and installations of the campsite (toilets, swimming pool, games) .Les cars of the visitors are forbidden inside the campsite. Besides, the visitors have to conform to the payment of the campsite.
They will have to leave the campsite before 11 pm.
In case of dispute, the skill is delegated to the courts implanted on the place of presence of the campsite.
According to provisions of the article L 1612-1 of the code of the consumption, every customer of the campsite has the right to resort free of charge to a mediator of the consumption with the aim of the amicable resolution of a dispute which would set him to the developer of the ground.
The address and phone number of the mediator of the consumption whom the customer can seize, are the following ones:
– by Internet by completing the form planned for that purpose: www.medicys.fr, by e-mail: contact@medicys.fr, by mail way: 73, boulevard of Clichy 75009 Paris PARIS-TELEPHONE: 01 49 70 15 93
Rules of procedure
Every customer makes a commitment to respect the internal rules of the campsite(camping) (posted(shown) in the entrance(entry) of the campsite(camping) and in the reception and communicated on request with the customer).
.Infraction in the internal rules: in case a customer would disrupt(perturb) the stay of the other users of the campsite(camping), the manager can orally or in writing give a formal notice the person to stop the caused disorders(confusions). In the event of infringement grave and after formal demand, the manager reserves the right to cancel the contract of the person creating these disorders(confusions). In the event of infringement penal, the manager can call on(appeal) to law enforcement.
- II) Particular Conditions: We aren’t technically capable of receiving caravans double axles as well as the camping cars of more than 7.50 meters.